Eudaimonia Wiki


It does less damage than a sword and has a small knockback. You can also throw them! The spear will not dissapear after hitting a mob, and deals the same damage as when you stab with it.

You can make one with wood, stone, iron, diamond, and gold.



It does more damage than a sword and has a big knockback.

Right click to switch from slashing to stabbing mode! Does more damage but has a smaller knockback.

You can make one with wood, stone, iron, diamond and gold.



It does less damage than a sword and has half the durability, but is crafted with very few resources and can be crafted without a workbench. The knockback is small. You can break cobwebs easily with it. Like the spear you can also throw them!

You can make one with wood, stone, iron, diamond and gold.


Battle Axe[]

Does much damage and has a huge knockback. Does also more damage to blocks.

You can make one with wood, stone, iron, diamond and gold.



Does as much damage and has the same knockback as the halberd, but does huge damage to blocks, depending on the weapon material.

Hold the right mouse button to charge a supersmash on the ground. If you hold it long enough and then release it, you smash the ground so hard, all the mobs around you will get hurt.

You can make one with wood, stone, iron, diamond and gold.



Right click to throw it. The ball will follow you where you go, right clicking it again will swing it. Every swing decreases the item's durability, so swing carefully.

You can make one with wood, stone, iron, diamond and gold.
